
If you’re considering adding a pergola to your outdoor area or garden, contact Pergola King


Pergolas come in an array of sizes, shapes and types. Based on which pergola you choose, they are perfect for shading you from the harsh sun rays or keeping you dry on drizzly days.

Pergola King provides multi-purpose pergolas that aim to keep you protected from the elements. The sleek, professional design also lets them stand out as a unique piece of garden furniture, becoming an eye-catching part of your outdoor area.

For pergolas that help protect you from the elements, contact Pergola King

Wooden Gazebo

Pergolas might often be referred to as wooden gazebos. Unlike a gazebo, a pergola does not necessarily have a complete roof to completely block elements from above, more so acting as a buffer between the elements and the people underneath the pergola.

Conversely, a wooden gazebo may also be referred to as a pergola with a roof.

For information on pergolas or wooden gazebos, contact Pergola King

Timber Pergola

When it comes to pergolas, a popular and well-designed option is timber. Timber pergolas are made from locally sourced high-quality materials, and available in a variety of patterns and styles.

The timber not only assists with the general durability of the pergola but also gives it an iconic, wooden look.

For timber pergolas made using high-quality materials, contact Pergola King

Pergolas FAQ

  • What does a pergola do?

    A pergola helps block sunlight, rain and other outside elements slightly to provide a unique and sheltered area of your garden.

  • What types of pergolas are available?

    We offer gazebos, sometimes called pergolas with roofs and timber pergolas.